God Does Not Eat Alone

God Does Not Eat Alone

By Melissa Paredes

God’s Word in a person’s heart language opens their eyes to who God is, what his character is like and how much he loves them.

As the New Testament was translated into the Makonde language of Mozambique, people learned something new about God — that just like them, he values generosity and sharing. Makondes value these traits above all else, and anyone who doesn’t display them is called a person “who eats alone” — one of the greatest insults a Makonde can receive.

Reading the New Testament in Makonde showed people that God not only values generosity and sharing, but that He also displayed the greatest act of generosity and sharing when he gave his one and only Son as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. Because of that sacrifice, we have the opportunity to live with him forever.

On the day that the Makonde New Testament was dedicated, people gathered together and listened to Samuel, a Makonde man, share about the significance of this lesson, both for him and for their community as a whole.

“Our God is not a grasping God. He is not a keep-it-to-yourself God. Because of his love for us, and his desire to bring us to heaven, he did not hang on to his Son. Truly our God does not eat alone.”

And that day, as this community in Mozambique gathered together to celebrate the gift of the New Testament in their own language with music, dancing and feasting, no Makonde had to eat alone either.

After 20 years of work, the Makonde people were able to celebrate the arrival of God’s Word in their heart language. Pray that it will change lives and be used widely throughout this community.

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